Bree Ann Anderson

Consultant for Director of Compliance

Phone: 801.832.2394


Office Location: Health, Wellness, & Athletics 216


B.S. Westminster University


Bree is a Westminster alumni and former Griffin volleyball player. After working in finance for several years, Bree moved on to own her own volleyball club and eventually came back to Westminster as the assistant strength and condition coach. After being promoted to the head S&C coach, Bree was promoted again to the Director of Compliance role for the athletic department. She loves being able to work with students to help them accomplish their goals and support them through their college experience.


Bree recently finished a Master's Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, has three children (with way too much energy), and is married to another alumni. She can't seem to get enough of all things Westminster.


Finding the next best book, petting other people's dogs, exploring the outdoors, learning about people, and watching/supporting her children in their (too) many activities.

Bree Ann Anderson