All students are required to formally declare their major area of study during their sophomore year and complete an advising appointment with an advisor in each of their academic programs (majors, minors, and certificates). Students reaching 45 or more credits who have not formally declared their major and/or met with an advisor will not be eligible to register for upcoming semesters.

How to Declare

To review degree requirements for each major or minor you are interested in declaring:



Sign into Self-Service

After signing into Self-Service  click "Student Planning and Registration."


Check Progress

Click "View My Progress."


Explore Programs

Click "View a New Program."

Alternatively, you can review requirements in the Undergraduate Catalog.

After reviewing the requirements, complete the following steps:



Complete the Form

Submit the Major, Minor, or Certificate Declaration Form.


The Registrar’s Office will update your records and assign the appropriate major or minor advisor for your program.


Schedule time to meet with the major or minor advisor(s) assigned to you soon after declaring and once each semester until graduation.